
The House Of The Rising Sun

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History  -   Geschichte


Wath is the House of the Rising Sun ?


| Historia del éxito para THE



Documentation in Dutch


Historia de The Animals *

The Story behind the song


in  Spain

The House of the Rising Sun is a so-called traditional, a traditional national anthem of the United States, recorded many times and better known in a rock and roll version of The Animals (1964). . The oldest text found was written by William F. Burroughs and published in 1925. Later released in popular versions including Joan Baez in 1960 by Nina Simone in 1961 and Bob Dylan the American rock band Rosa Frijid had in 1962. In 1969, again a hit with it, this version was much rougher than the other versions. Originally, the song more than a bluegrass sound, first recorded by Clarence "Tom" Ashley and Gwen Foster Stanley in 1928 and later include Woody Guthrie (1940) and folk blues. The text, at least parts of it, according to some sources dates back to the 16th century and the melody would be derived from English folk.


In 2002, the British rock group Muse published a cover of the song. This can be found in the NME album in the Association with War Child Presents 1 Love. During the concerts of The Resistance Tour and The 2nd Law Tour the song was used as the intro of the song Time Is Running Out. In 2014, the Five Finger band Death Punch released a heavy metal version of the song. In 2017 the British indie-pop band alt-J made an adaptation on their album Relaxer.

There is much speculation about the origin and meaning of The House of the Rising Sun. The singer says he lost his life in a building with this name. This probably refers to a prison or a brothel. The term Rising Sun was used more often in traditional American and English folk songs and was a stealthy reference to brothels. In some versions of the song the protagonist is a man, in others a woman.
The House

Since the number can already date back to the eighteenth century, it is no longer possible to find out if it refers to an existing building. There are, however, several theories:

     From 1820 to 1822 there was a hotel in the French Quarter of New Orleans called Rising Sun. This hotel was most likely used for prostitution. He burned in 1822.

     From 1862-1874 he was at the Esplanade Avenue in New Orleans a brothel, which was owned by a certain Levant Madame Marianne LeSoleil that Madame Marianne represents the rising sun.
     A former women's prison, the women's prison in New Orleans, had a large round window right in the middle of the facade called the sun rising from the prisoners.
     In the nineteenth century there was a building called the Rising Sun in Carrollton, just outside New Orleans.

The number has undoubtedly been covered hundreds of times. The brain behind the most famous version is the folk singer Dave Van Ronk. Bob Dylan covered his number and recorded it in 1962 on his record Bob Dylan. Dave Van Ronk could no longer play the song because everyone thought he had covered Dylan. After The Animals released their version, Dylan could no longer play the song, because everyone thought they had covered it. He was, however, very fascinated by the version of The Animals and in particular by the accompaniment of Alan Price. On his first European tour of England in 1965, Alan, who had just left The Animals for fear of flying, was constantly on the scene as can be seen in the film Do not Look Back by Pennebaker. The organ solo, which featured on the animal version of the song, and his presence would be inspired by Dylan during the tour to introduce organist Al Kooper a couple of weeks later with the shooting of Highway 61 Revisited, his work has given a new dimension.

Since the number can already date back to the eighteenth century, it is no longer possible to find out if it refers to an existing building. There are, however, several theories:

taken over by Tjeerdjan Ebes



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Wikipedia     D

    Der  Mythos

Wikipedia     Frankr

Mysteriöse  Folkballade

Wikipedia    Italien

 Song  History

    Wikipedia   Span

Wikipedia     English

The House of...Geschichte http://www.ndr.de/ndr1niedersachsen/sendungen/Animals-House-Of-The-Rising-Sun,animals100.html

 A Brief History http://www.americanbluesscene.com/2011/11/a-brief-history-of-house-of-the-rising-sun/?fb_action_ids=227696587576741&fb_action_types=og.comments


Hits and Storys http://www.swr.de/swr1/bw/house-of-the-rising-sun/-/id=233362/did=16835994/nid=233362/1crsstd/index.html
